Best Moisturizer for Winter in India

06 Dec, 2023

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Best Moisturizer Creams in India for Winter Overview

Product Name Short Description Price
Vitamin C Moisturizing Cream Protects and regenerates skin with Vitamin C and niacinamide. β‚Ή154
White Skin Moisturizing Cream Locks in moisture with Niacinamide and Arbutin. β‚Ή154
Smooth Moisturizing Cream Specially designed to protect skin with Vitamin E and Glycerin.



Why Moisturizer Creams are Important for your Skin?

Applying the right moisturizer is critical for keeping skin healthy. Many skincare experts recommend using a moisturizer in your daily skincare routine, especially for people who suffer from flaky irritated and dry skin.  Moisturizers enhance skin hydration by supplying water to the deep layers of the skin; they also lock in moisture to reduce dryness. Additionally, they fill in cracks and pores, creating a protective layer that guards against friction. Regular application of moisturizer helps to keep the skin looking young and blemish-free.

When to use moisturizer creams?

Moisturizer can be applied once or twice daily. The best time to apply moisturizer is after shaving, bathing, or exfoliating. Taking a bath in hot water can remove oils from your skin, leaving it dry. Therefore, it becomes critical to apply a high-quality moisturizer made with natural actives to keep your skin nourished, protected, and hydrated.
There is a myth that people with oily skin should not use moisturizer. However, the truth is that moisturizers can regulate the production of sebum in your skin, giving you the matte yet glowing look you've always wanted. It is essential to use best moisturizers in winter to avoid futher skin discomfort.

Why is moisturizing skin important during winter?

During winter, humidity in the air sharply decreases, making the environment dry. The cold and dry air evaporates the moisture present in your skin. This can lead to chapped skin, irritation, and acne as well. The best way to protect your skin is by using a good moisturizer twice a day

Here are Best moisturizer for winter in India

Selecting an appropriate winter face cream moisturizer is essential for optimal skin health. Look for creams that match your skin type, contain natural ingredients, are devoid of harmful chemicals, and offer optimum nourishment. Below are three top-rated best winter moisturizers you can find in India:

Vitamin C Moisturizing Cream

Vitamin C Moisturizing Cream

Buy Now (β‚Ή 154)

We all know that our skin loves Vitamin C. It helps to protect and regenerate skin cells by stimulating collagen production. That's why, to help consumers combat the harsh winters in India, Dr. Rashel thoughtfully created a Vitamin C Moisturizing Cream, a moisturizer for winter too. It also contains niacinamide, a form of Vitamin B3 that improves skin complexion by reducing dark spots and inflammation. 

Key Ingredients: Vitamin C and niacinamide.

White Skin Moisturizing Cream

White Skin Moisturizing Cream

Buy Now (β‚Ή 154)

A new addition to Dr. Rashel's acclaimed White Skin series, this Moisturizing Cream is made with a combination of Niacinamide and Arbutin. It locks in moisture by creating a barrier between your skin and the dry winter environment. The natural actives in the cream also combat hyperpigmentation, keeping your skin soft, even-toned, and youthful.

Key ingredients: Niacinamide and Arbutin

Smooth Moisturizing Cream

White Skin Moisturizing Cream

Buy Now (β‚Ή 154)

Harsh winter doesn't stand a chance against this amazing Moisturizing Cream. It is specially designed to protect your skin with the perfect combination of Vitamin E and Glycerin. The cream not only prevents dryness but also reduces damage from UV rays emitted by the sun. With this Moisturizing Cream, you can soak up the sun without worrying about developing dark spots or skin rashes.

Key ingredients: Vitamin E and Glycerin

Get winter-proof skin with these Best moisturizing creams for Winter in India,

Check Moisturizer Cream for All Skin Types in India