
Turn Your Passion into Profit

Earn Commission, Free Products, And Paid Partnerships!
BeYOUty Affiliate
Transform Free Time into Financial Freedom.

How It Works?
  • Fill the Online Form
  • Our team will review and approve your application.
  • We will send you an onboarding kit.
What you Get?
  • Earn a 10% commission on minimum purchases of Rs.2000 or more, in addition to existing discounts.
  • Once total purchases reach Rs.6000 in multiples of Rs.2000, receive a 10% commission on every subsequent purchase, on top of the ongoing discounts (no minimum purchase limit applicable)
*not applicable on select blackout promo offers

Become an Affiliate ->

BeYOUty Influencer
Transform Your Influence into Income.
How it Works?
  • Fill the Online Form
  • Our team will review and approve your application.
  • Create Content (reels, reviews, unboxing, blogs) for our brand
What you Get?
  • Earn 10% commission on purchases made via your link.
  • Earn through paid posts, guest appearances, and product reviews. 
  • Enhance income as a brand ambassador, offering expert tips and promoting our philosophy.
  • Get paid partnerships, complimentary products, rewards, exclusive discounts and much more.
*not applicable on select blackout promo offers

Become an Influencer->

Become an All-rounder
Apply for both programs

BeYOUty Affiliate & Influencer

For more information register for the program or email us with the subject line "BeYOUtipreneur" At