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Hair Care For Monsoon Season

17 Jul, 2024
Hair Care For Monsoon Season

Table of Content

  1. Importance of haircare routine in monsoon
  2. Different hair problems faced in monsoon
  3. How to follow a hair care routine
  4. Tips to follow for hair care in the monsoon 
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ’s


High humidity in the monsoon leads to weaker hair. Rainwater is acidic and hair getting wet in the rain causes dandruff, irritation, and frizziness. Lack of moisture, nutrients, and bacteria make hair look dull. Due to hair often being wet and sebum production in the scalp it clogs hair follicles, resulting in infection and hair loss. Read the blog to learn how to take care of hair in the monsoon.


Importance of haircare routine in monsoon

Importance of haircare routine in monsoon

Hair care in the rainy season is essential to clean your scalp and promote blood circulation. It helps to make your hair shiny and smooth. Monsoon makes hair weaker therefore it needs proper care to prevent breakage, dandruff, and an itchy scalp. It is important to use chemical-free products and maintain proper hygiene for hair.

Different hair problems faced in monsoon

  • Dandruff: A dry scalp and too much sebum production can cause dandruff in hair. It feels itchy on the scalp and excess itching can cause injuries and break hair.
  • Frizzy Hair: High humidity and lack of moisture make hair frizzy. Split ends are one of the main reasons for hair to look frizzy. It damages the hair and is more prone to breakage. 
  • Hairfall: Monsoon causes nutrient deficiency in the scalp and weakens the root. Wet hairs are more fragile and can easily be tangled. Combing wet hair leads to hair fall.
  • Itchy Scalp: Dead skin, dandruff, and poor hygiene lead to itchy scalp. It irritates the scalp and causes infections. Scratching your scalp damages hair follicles and weakens the hair. 

How to follow a hair care routine

  1. Oiling: This is the very first step in the hair care routine. Oiling has various benefits, it helps to keep the scalp healthy and strengthens the hair. Gently massage the oil to increase blood circulation and let it sit on the scalp for 40 minutes.
  2. Shampoo:Shampoo helps to maintain proper hygiene in hair. It helps to deeply clean the scalp removing dirt and excess sebum. It softens the provides shine to the hair, improving the overall hair quality. A shampoo helps to strengthen the hair and reduce breakage.
  3. Conditioner: Conditioning helps to smoothen the hair and prevent frizziness. It provides moisture to the hair and reduces split ends. Remove excess water from the hair, apply the required amount of conditioner, and leave it for 5 minutes on the hair to achieve maximum benefits from conditioning. 
  4. Serum: Hair serum is applied after you shampoo and condition your hair. It helps to reduce frizz, detangle it, and soften hair. It hydrates, nourishes, and improves hair's texture and gives it a shine. 


Tips to follow for hair care in the monsoon 

Following are the rainy season hair care tips that help to achieve nourished and healthy hair.

  • Dry your hair with a microfiber towel.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair.
  • Avoid combing your hair when it's wet.
  • Trim your hair once in two months for better hair growth.
  • Wash your hair 2-3 times a week.
  • Avoid getting your hair wet from rain.
  • Eat nutrients and healthy meals.
  • Do not tie your hair when it is wet.
  • Avoid heating tools to style your hair.
  • Oil at least twice a week. 



Get strong and silky hair by following a proper monsoon haircare routine. Monsoons can weaken your hair, to prevent damage, frizziness, and breakage it is crucial to take additional care of your hair in monsoon. Using mild and chemical-free products will give your hair a long-lasting shine and promote healthy hair.




Onion Shampoo

    • Promote hair fall
    • Reduce dandruff
    • Prevent dry hair


Onion Conditioner

    • Tangled hair
    • Weak hair
    • Moisturize scalp 
    • Promotes hair growth


Onion Hair Oil

    • Improve blood circulation
    • Reduce dandruff 
    • strengthen hair




How many times should hair be washed in monsoon?

Wash your hair 2-3 times a week to avoid dandruff, hair fall, and frizzy hair.

What causes dandruff?

Poor hygiene, harsh products, and dry scalp can cause dandruff in the scalp.

What is the best routine for hair care in the rainy season in India?

The hair care routine in monsoon should include the application of oil, shampoo, conditioner, and serum.

Should I oil my hair in the monsoon?

Yes, the oil helps to provide nourishment to the hair and maintain a healthy scalp.

How to prevent hair fall in monsoon?

To prevent hair fall in monsoon, follow a nutritious diet, and maintain a clean scalp.